

North West Wildlife Traders

We were proud to offer the following lots for sale on the North West Wildlife Traders 2016 Auction. The auction was held on 30 July 2016, at the NWWT Wildlife Complex (around 1km from Swartruggens). 

Zambian Sable Heifer – Can run with 44 4/8" Zambian bull until pregnant

At only 17 months, this beautiful heifer is already measuring almost 15". Both the Sire, "Son of Black Face" (who measured 44 4/8" when he turned five) and Dam are from Piet Du Toit's bloodlines. The buyer has the option of leaving the heifer to run with "Son of Black Face" until she is confirmed pregnant.


Nyala Ewes

Our Nyala ewes are absolutely beautiful and seldom have less than 12 or 13 stripes. They are incredibly tame and happy for people to be within a few metres - ideal for around the lodge!. 

White Blesbuck - In lamb to Yellow Blesbuck ram

Our white blesbuck have good sized horns. They are in lamb to a young but very promising yellow ram (15" at two years old).

East African Buffalo Bull "T2" - 41 2/8" at 5 years

T2 has excellent proportions, not to mention attitude! He's just turned five but he's already proven and throwing great looking calves. 

Black Impala Breeding Package

Young ram (ready to breed) with a black ewe and five split ewes. All ewes pregnant by black ram from Piet du Toit bloodline.