Since inception, Platinum Game has been stocked with top-quality genetics, sourced from Piet du Toit Wildbedryf, Marius Roothman Boerdery, Gerber Boerdery and Wildswinkel, amongst others. Platinum Game has exceptional buffalo breeding camps and herds, with bloodlines that include “Horizon”, “Bayetu” and “Matetsi” genetics. Our sable herds were hand-picked by Piet and we are currently breeding with “Black Face” genetics. Other exotic species on the farm include Saddle Back Impala, Black Impala, Golden Wildebeest, Yellow Blesbuck, Livingston Eland, Black Kudu and Neitverdiend Heartwater Springbok. We have secured some of the best animals in the industry, evidenced by the fact that we hold SA record prices across six different species (both for animals purchased and sold).